Hunger Is Not a Disease

Family of Woodstock Comes to the Pantry’s Rescue Two Years in a Row

Family of Woodstock was a real lifesaver for our pantry those first two Decembers I was the coordinator.  The first year word spread that our shelves were empty.  I got a call from Tamara Cooper.

“Thurman, can you come over here immediately?  We just got a donation of food from someone and we have no place to put it.  If you come over right now, you can have it all.”

Can I come over immediately?  WOW  I was there!  It was glorious!  I stuffed my car with grocery bags filled with canned and boxed goods of every kind.  Thank you Tamara Cooper.
In October of the following year, I saw Michael Berg at a meeting at Mohonk Mountain House.  I went over to him, introduced myself, and told him that Decembers were grim in our pantry.  In December I got another call from Family.  This time we were given a large number of Hannaford’s holiday gift boxes filled with pasta, tomato sauce, tuna fish, chicken noodle soup, etc.  Thank you Michael Berg.  Thank you to everyone at Family of Woodstock.  Thank you to Hannaford’s.  And, thank you to everyone who buys a gift box of food for the hungry at Hannaford’s.

By 2010, I was ready for August and December.  I finagled a storeroom out of the building committee of the Woodstock Reformed Church.  I even got permission for a refrigerator to go in it.  The storeroom effort was a total scene – especially the refrigerator.  I got permission from the pastor’s secretary who gave me the go ahead because everyone was out of the building.

Looking back at the whole event, I realize that Divine Guidance removed everyone from the building that morning.  If anyone had been there the pantry would never have gotten even the storeroom…much less the refrigerator.  Thank you God.

Except for the stress that my presence in this space (which was severe) caused the building committee and church members, the storeroom was a wonderful addition to the pantry.  We were now able to order food for advance needs during lean months and the refrigerator, even though small, stored eggs.

The storeroom made all the difference.  As my grandmother would have said “We were cooking with gas over at the Good Neighbor Food Pantry”.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco
