Hunger Is Not a Disease

No Box Was Too Large. No Line Was Too Long.

Our 99-pound wonder, Leticia, seemed to the casual observer to not be a candidate for heavy lifting.  However, she always arrived  on Tuesday mornings promptly at 9:00 ready for action.

Leticia knew how to stock a pantry, that’s for sure.  She would look around the empty pantry room, figure out what was needed on the shelves and proceed to go back to the storeroom and get it.  No case was too heavy.  No box was too large.   Leticia was a tiny Latina whirlwind who gave energy to all of us.  She also had a technique for stacking things on their sides so we could get more food on the shelves.  The pantry was so small and the hours available to us were so few that we had to be able to get enough of an item on a shelf to last the two days the pantry was open.  Leticia worked frantically in the pantry every Tuesday morning stocking as many of the shelves as possible in preparation for the Anderson guys.

When Leticia finished packing a shelf, we couldn’t even get a paperclip in the extra space.  Go Leticia!

Thanks for reading this post.  Tomorrow you’ll get  to know  Bad Back Bob.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco
