Hunger Is Not a Disease

Volunteers Make Our Pantry Special

Arlen arrived the next day and proceeded to prepare a carload of fresh veggies and fruits for the shoppers.  That day was such a gift!  Our shoppers went home with perfect produce:  no yellow leaves, no soft spots, no carrot tops.  Everything was ready to prepare…just as if it had been bought at Gracie Balducci’s,  Whole Foods, or Trader Joe’s.  WOW!

On top of that, Arlen conversed with the shoppers in their native language:  English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Haitian, Creole, Esperanto.

From that day on, whenever Arlen was in Woodstock, he worked in the Good Neighbor Food Pantry.  He made us all feel our pantry was special because we’re a vegetarian agency.  Arlen is a vegan and absolutely will not touch anything animal based.

So how is Arlen homeless?  Well, he moves around a lot and has a selection of friends who host him when he’s in their area.  When Arlen arrives, there’s always a flurry of activity because he participates in every area event.  When we had our first festival fundraiser, Arlen was on hand to help put up the tents, keep the grounds clean, etc.  He offers the same enthusiasm to his hosts.  Arlen makes himself an integral part of any place he stays.

And, Arlen truly is a part of any place he’s visiting.  When Holly, his Woodstock hostess, put her house on the market to move to Rosendale, Arlen was upset.  “Holly’s got her house for sale and we’re moving to Rosendale” he said with feeling.  Wherever Holly goes, Arlen is going, too.  I’m sure that, although Arlen will miss Woodstock, he and Rosendale will love each other.

Thanks for reading this post.  Tomorrow’s post will focus on yet another homeless person we know as well as some of the causes of homelessness.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco
