Hunger Is Not a Disease

If Only….

Lutheran Church

Janet Poppendieck  wrote a book entitled “Sweet Charity” about hunger in America.  I found a quote of hers on the internet which inspired this post.

There’s all this food out there.  Most people who know about hunger agree that there’s enough food for everyone.  If we can stop the push back on this concept, and just feed the people, our lives (everyone’s lives in the whole country) will be very different.  Imagine a world without hungry children and grandmothers.

Just for a moment, let’s think of all the ways we can benefit our many people and institutions by using this food.

For starters, think of pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, halfway houses as our tax dollars at work.  Much of the emergency food effort is manned by volunteers diverting food headed for the landfill.  For my $$$, this recycling effort works primarily to keep people from starving in the streets.

Now, consider the United States Department of Agriculture.  As our country accumulates agricultural surpluses, instead of being embarrassed by the food, life will be better when the USDA proudly distributes the surplus to those in need.  After all, surplus food is an uptown problem.  It’s almost impossible to produce only exactly what we need.  Farms just don’t work that way.  Weather doesn’t always cooperate.  Droughts don’t come by request.  Floods have minds of their own.  It’s better to produce too much than too little.

Businesses can and should ship excess food to pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, halfway houses.  This is a responsible way to dispose of unwanted excess food products.  When businesses donate to food banks, they avoid excessive dump fees and accrue tax savings.  They reduce dumpster diving.

Universities, hospitals, caterers, restaurants, bakers, schools, can use the food banks to absorb leftovers.  In metropolitan areas, the surplus food can go directly to soup kitchens, pantries.  This is both a civic responsibility and community outreach.

Community colleges and Universities can recognize that there are impoverished students in their ranks.  Pantries and soup kitchens on campus will make it easier for these students to stay in school.

Elementary, Middle, and High Schools will do well to recognize the poverty among the students and staff.  Food pantries have a definite place in schools.  Backpack programs belong in every school to ensure that students have enough food to eat over the weekends and holidays.

Churches, synagogues, and other religious institutions have opportunities to express concern for their fellow man as they include the poor at the table.  Congregations refer to their feeding efforts as outreach.  These necessary hunger prevention programs help feed people who otherwise would not have enough to eat and they give the congregations a local outlet for their charity and outreach programs.

Courts and penal institutions can use this concept by having people work service hours at pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, etc. to avoid or lessen incarceration.

Working at a pantry, soup kitchen or shelter provides service opportunities for people of all ages.  The more people donate time, the less isolated these facilities become.

Diverting food from landfills offers communities an opportunity to improve our environment.   Besides, why throw away good food?

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Thurman Greco

7 Ways We Use Food Pantries


Food Pantries feed the hungry…and very successfully at that, actually.  After all, there are very few stories right now about starving people dying in the streets. We Food Pantry volunteers can  pat ourselves on the back for that, at least.

But, so much more happens in a Food Pantry beyond feeding the hungry.

For starters, thousands of volunteers are kept gainfully occupied and off the streets as we (wo)man the pantries.

The United States Department of Agriculture disposes of thousands and thousands of pounds of surplus foods every year in Food Pantries.  Unfortunately, though, the USDA seems to have a somewhat embarrassed attitude about the distribution of agricultural surpluses.  Anybody who thinks about it quickly realizes that it’s impossible to grow just exactly what we need every year.  It’s much better to have too much than too little.  So, the USDA needs the Food Pantries to dispose of this surplus.  Sure beats hauling it off to the landfill.

Thank you USDA!  I just wish you felt better about the job you do.

Supermarkets use Food Pantries to dispose of food they can’t sell.  By donating produce,
baked goods,
packaged shelf staples,  
grocers  avoid dump fees, discourage dumpster divers, accrue tax savings, and tell the world about how many thousands of dollars they donated to feed the hungry.

Churches throughout this country feed the hungry in Food Pantries located in their basements. That is, all except for the famous St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in San Francisco where Sara Miles put the pantry on the altar. She subsequently wrote a book about it entitled “Take This Bread”. I hope you get a chance to read it.
Congregations label their Food Pantries as outreach but I don’t buy into that concept. What we’re all doing, really, is celebrating the enormous abundance existing in this country…in this world…on this planet.

Environmentalists use Food Pantries to divert food bound for the landfill.  It’s amazing when you think about it.  Several million people in our country are prevented from starving to death when they shop at a Food Pantry and take home produce, dairy products, meats, baked goods, shelf staples that would otherwise have ended up at the landfill.

Schools throughout our fair nation distribute food to children to take home on the weekend. The Backpack Programs offer food to children who have none in their households.

It’s a real ego trip for whole segments of our society.  Everyone feels all warm and fuzzy about food donated to Food Banks.  This includes  farmers, grocers, food manufacturers, restaurants, bakers, religious and civic institutions feeding the hungry, and, of course, the people who read the stories about the generosity of these businesses.

This warm and fuzzy feeling we all get when we realize which businesses are contributing to feeding the hungry rubs off positively on Food Banks.  They, thankfully, are very influential charities as a result.  Food Banks rank right up there with hospitals, the United Way, and the Y.

And, it’s all good.  Food Banks need the $$$ to keep the whole industry going.  The demand for the food keeps growing and growing because the  minimum wage jobs don’t pay enough $$$ to allow workers to buy groceries.  SNAP benefits get whittled away each year.  There’s not much left except the Food Pantry.

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Thurman Greco