Late Breaking News!
Nothing reads better than the truth.
New things are happening in the food pantry world!
What are they?
Since the first blog post in February, 2014, “www.hungerisnotadisease” was intended to be, and was, a book.
The first paper edition was “I Don’t Hang Out in Churches Anymore”.
It was followed by a second volume: “Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles”.
Both of these are still available in paper and Ebook editions on
The original, complete, and uncensored story is on this blog. The complete story of the food pantry begin its blog journey on February 14,2014.
When you scroll down to February, 2014, on this blog, you’ll join in an adventure which continues to this day.
Nothing reads better than the truth.
Thank you for reading this blogged book!
Thurman Greco
One Unspoken Question Hanging in the Air Every Food Pantry Day
People entering a food pantry bring everything with them: their hearts, minds, soul, feelings.
And, finally, forgiveness.
A food pantry is a good place to work on the future.
A trip to a food pantry is a meditation. This is the time and place to let go of limiting habits and lifestyle activities. This is where you experience a new life.
The food pantry offers spiritual insights – insights on friendship, love, work, hope, and despair. A trip to the food pantry can be a prayer.
When you open up to this transformative experience, you have an opportunity to ditch grudges, resentment, and painful memories.
Then, of course, there’s the opportunity to experience new life.
Leaving the past behind is hard. And getting to the place of “letting go” can be challenging. But, that’s what food pantries do. They get you there.
Remove everything and escape from everything preventing an embrace of the future which waits for you. This is a new life to grow into.
Ask this: What is calling to be left behind?
Grudges, resentments, painful memories.
Gather the strength to grow into whatever opportunities the future has waiting.
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Please share it with your friends and family. Forward it to your favorite social media network.
Find out more about Thurman Greco at
To find out more check out some of the older posts. This blog has been telling the story of Hunger in America for over 10 years.
Thanks again – Thurman Greco!
Find out more about Thurman at
Politicians – the Season Begins Again!
The political season begins again. In Woodstock, the politicians come calling. They knock on the door – their smiles open, their outfits perfect.
And, they don’t want to hear any questions – not from me, anyway.
I answer the door and listen to their message. I’m waiting to pounce, really. Because, I know they don’t know anything about hunger in our area.
And, I do know about hunger in our area.
The minute I open my mouth, they start to run for it.
Well, not so fast politician. Not so fast. You can’t leave my front door without taking a copy of one of my books with you.
I really know more about the economics of this area than they know. I know about children who go to school hungry. I know about families who routinely choose between food and transportation, food and housing, food and healthcare.
The politicians know their dance is up for today. Because I know about homelessness. I know the difference between shelter and housing.
Woodstock is a community where people working here come from somewhere else.
Each year, I figure that some kind of message will go out and no politicians will knock on my door. I’m wrong every year.
So, I sit – waiting to pounce.
Lord, I apologize. I simply can’t help myself. Someday, I’m going to apologize and know its the last time because I won’t act this way next time. I’d be lying to you now, Lord, if I even pretended that I won’t do it again.
I love pouncing on these people who knock on the door. I love to tell everyone how hard it is for the elderly to get food when their shoulders and knees don’t work anymore. I love to talk about friends I have who don’t drive anymore and who live in a food desert.
Lord, as seniors, we routinely pay more, get less, and do without. The without part comes because we’re outliving our savings.
I feel like everyone needs to know these things. How are the politicians going to know about them if I don’t tell them? I’ve convinced myself that its part of my job as a food pantry volunteer.
Food pantries are mostly hidden services. People shopping at one certainly don’t tell anyone where they get their groceries. And, the volunteers don’t talk either.
In the beginning, I was bothered about this but I’ve come to realize that food pantries are places where miracles happen. And, miracles are much easier if no one knows about them.
Lord, on behalf of everyone who shops or volunteers at a food pantry, I offer gratitude for the many miracles You perform on our pantry day.
And, Lord, thanks for sending these politicians over to my house every voting season. I love to pounce and then send them away with my books.
Thank you again Lord. I offer gratitude on behalf of everyone who shops or volunteers at a food pantry.
Thanks for reading this article! If you enjoyed it, check out some of the older articles. Hunger is not a Disease is an fascinating story about hunger in a small town food pantry. This blog has been relating stories and events for ten years!
I’m amazed when I read this. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would be writing about hunger and homelessness for over 10 years. And yet, here I am, plugging away!
What a journey this blog has been – and continues to be.
What was I thinking?
Please share this article with your friends and family. Forward it to your preferred social media network and post it on Facebook even.
Check out my books on The website is being repaired so contact me at to purchase one or more of the books.
Let’s Live with Thurman Greco is a program aired weekly on Woodstock’s own educational TV channel 23. This show is an informative, upbeat hour with no rehearsals. Some segments support the blog information and highlight Reiki Therapy, Hand and Food Reflexology, and other wellness subjects.
Guests are various people whose lives have brought them to Woodstock for a day, a week, an hour, a decade, or more. I can truthfully boast that guests report they enjoy the experience.
Let’s Live has been running for over 15 years with an occasional intermission now and then.
Enjoy interesting and fun programs while getting a peek into Woodstockers being themselves. Search “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on YOUTUBE and check out the ever growing list of videos.
Please contact me at thurmangreco@gmail with comments or questions.
A Prayer to the Most Powerful Woman in the World
Somehow, when I’m in a food pantry, I feel the presence of Mother Mary. She greets us and invites us to know her better. She is also ready to sit with us on our spiritual and physical journeys.
People go to Mary with issues related to children and with healing of all kinds. They go to Mary for forgiveness, compassion, and mercy. That puts her square in the middle of the food pantry line.
Mary has no doctrine. Nor does she have a dogma. Mary’s story shows us she knows intimately about hunger, suffering, sorrow, and death.
Mary’s prayers count.
Mary waits for us to reach out to her. Mary has been waiting for us long before we became aware of her.
Mary accepts us, whatever our beliefs. She doesn’t care whether we follow an established religion or even no religion. She accepts us as we come to her. Mary belongs to all faiths, all religions, all paths, and all people.
She protects, heals, and guides us all. She is there with us in the pantry line. She offers comfort in troubled times. Mary teaches that we all have value.
Sensing her presence, I feel she is showing us how to turn our pain into life lessons to help us cope with and enjoy life.
If we listen, Mary protects us when danger lies ahead.
I write these things because I somehow know that they are real. I know this to my bones. I’m not sure how this knowing came about. And, truthfully, I quit asking HOW a long time ago.
Working in a food pantry brought up questions that were dormant throughout my life. I pondered, worried, and searched for answers for years. I’ve finally decided that there are some things I don’t have the answers for yet.
And, so what. Do I have to know the answers to everything? After all, I’m only human. And, an old human at that.
All I can do is say “thank you” to Mary for being here for us.
Thank you Mary for holding me up in the food pantry when the numbers were too high and getting higher every week.
Thank you for being there with us all in that line.
Thanks for reading this article. I am not here to challenge or change your beliefs about feeding the hungry or about any other thing, as far as that goes. I am not here to change your story. Instead, I am here as a conduit for your own healing.
Please share this article with friends and relatives. Forward this post to your preferred social media network.
Check out my books on The website is being repaired. To purchase a book or 2, please contact me at
Let’s Live with Thurman Greco is a program aired weekly on Woodstock’s own educational TV channel 23. This show is an informative, upbeat hour with no rehearsals. Some segments support the blog information and highlight Reiki Therapy, Hand and Food Reflexology, and other wellness subjets.
Guests are various people whose lives have brought them to Woodstock for a day, a week, an hour, a decade or more. I can truthfully boast that guests report they enjoy the experience.
Let’s Live has been running for over 15 years with an occasional intermission, now and then.
Enjoy interesting and fun programs while getting a peek into Woodstockers being themselves. Search “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on YouTube and check out the ever growing list of videos.
Finally: THIS BLOG IS CELEBRATING ITS 10TH YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Family Blessing
Families in communities everywhere make their way to a food pantry weekly. ly. And, grandmothers are an essential part of this mix, playing their part in different ways.
Grandmothers care for the grandchildren while their parents work 2 and 3 jobs each.
Because the crowded conditions in many pantries are stressful for some children, grandmothers care for the grandchildren while the mothers shop at a food pantry.
Shopping at a food pantry can take hours depending on the crowds and the lines. People don’t just “drop in” at a food pantry with a shopping list.
One family with 5 children attends the pantry weekly. Grandmother sits in the car and watches the children and Buffy the dog while mother shops. Somehow, grandmother manages to entertain the children as they all wait in the car. The mother stands in the line, first in the the parking lot and later in the building hallway, while she waits her turn to shop in the pantry for 3-4 minutes.
Grandmothers take their grandchildren shopping at a pantry when the parents work. One grandmother I know takes her grandson with her weekly. Little David is always delighted to choose an apple as a treat on each pantry visit.
Children in our country today shop in the pantry weekly with their mothers or grandmothers. Shopping with the family to put food on the table is an outing practiced weekly the world over.
Listening and chatting with these children over the years I’ve observed something: Many of these children have never been in a large grocery store or super market. A food pantry has a product selection of probably 50 to 100 items. A grocery store has a product selection of probably 10,000 to 50,000 items.
Whether they are families by blood or circumstances, make them holy.
Make Yourself easy to find Lord. Let us find you in our marriages, our families, our households, our communities and our relationships. Let us find you globally.
Many things in our daily lives seem to conspire to divide us. Help us see beyond the divisions and see a family. Help us embrace one another as a family. Help us love each other as a family .
May families in food pantries everywhere know your presence as they go about their days.
Thank you for reading this article! Please share it with your favorite social media network. Forward it to your friends, relatives, and neighbors.
Thanks for reading this article! If you’ve been reading posts here or, if you’ve just found this blog, I’m taking this opportunity to tell you that this blog, and the companion blog, have been running for 10 years! Thanks for your patronage!
I hope you are enjoying this journey we are on together. I know the blog posts have travelled the world because their companion books have gone out to over 36 countries.
If you have any questions, or comments, please connect with me on facebook:
Thurman Greco
Have you been trying to purchase a book? That’s been a challenge for a while. BUT, I think we’ve fixed the problem. Please try again. If that doesn’t work, please email me at and I’ll send it right out!
You can find an inclusive title list. Visit and see what books interest you. Every title is available in both hard copy and ebook.
Preorder “A Healer’s Tarot Memoir”. It should be out in less than 2 months!
The YOUTUBE channel, “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is older than the blogs and the website. The YOUTUBE channel has been running with new shows weekly for over 20 years. Some of the earlier shows never made it to YOUTUBE. When we find them, Renee posts them.
Please check the shows out! “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted over the years. My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.
One thing we all have in common: we’ve all met up with each other somehow in Woodstock, NY
With blogs, books, classes and sessions, I am not here to change your story. I am here as a conduit for your healing.
Thanks again!
Email me at if you have questions or comments.
For the Brave and Diligent Shopper
Lord, this prayer is for the brave and diligent shopper. She walks in. And she never misses a week.
Lord, she is ferociously focused on getting to the pantry.
Looking neither left or right, dismissing the rain, or the cold, or the boiling heat, she makes her way each week through the crowded parking lot.
I pray for her grace, energy, and willpower. I pray that someone or maybe several someones can witness and celebrate her discipline and focus.
And, I pray that others will notice her voyage each and every week. I don’t want to be the only one who sees her gracefully make her way through the crowded shoppers waiting outside the pantry for it to open.
Lord, I know you sent her to lift our hearts: patient, lovely, graceful. She is our inspiration.
I think of her on shopping days when I drive to Albany for extra food. She keeps my own work ethic steady.
And, she lifts my heart.
So, thank you again for sending her.
You can purchase this latest book about the spiritual journey of hunger at
Please check out the YOUTUBE channel show. Renee, our own wizard, loads new episodes on Tuesdays. “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of conversations with local VIPs that I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 years or so. There have been a few intermissions throughout the years, but not many.
My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return. One thing we all have in common: we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY
AND thank you for reading this article. This blog post, and the others soon to come, celebrate 10 years of Hunger is not a Disease.
Find out more about Thurman at
Send me an email at
Join me on facebook!
Thurman Greco
“Shadow of a Seagull” – It’s Time for Tom Pacheco!
I just read the news – over 500,000 people are now homeless in Europe, thanks to current events.
In times like these, I always turn to the music of Tom Pacheco. His songs are prayers, heartfelt prayers of understanding and appeal.
When I went to, I heard a perfect song for our situation! Thank you Tom Pacheco!
He wrote the song below for sisters and brothers everywhere. We all need a little help now and then, especially those of us in war-torn Ukraine.
Heavenly father, spirit of all I can see
Watch over my sister the way you have watched over me.
Give her protection, through any danger she meets.
Though she may stumble, let her always land on her feet.
She’s been unlucky. She’s been betrayed.
This time, please give her a good hand to play.
Make every cloud she cannot outrun
be just a shadow of a seagull in the sun.
I have been worried, knowing she’s out there alone
searching for something inside that is deeper than bone.
How long can somebody suffer so much for so long,
before they believe there’s no reason at all to go on.
Show her, her value, to her own eyes.
Give her the wings that will help her to fly.
Make every cloud she cannot outrun
Be just a shadow of a seagull in the sun.
She has taken far too many falls.
Worked so long and hard just to lose it all.
Every crop she planted did not yield.
This time, let a treasure fill her fields.
Guide her through valleys, clear a few trees from her path.
Spare her the merciless winds and the cold winters wrath.
Lead her to someplace of beauty where healing can start.
Let the moon shine off the rivers and into her heart.
Let her find purpose and let her find peace.
From every prison, may she be released.
Make every cloud she cannot outrun
Be just a shadow of a seagull in the sun.
These lyrics and music are copyrighted by Tom Pacheco.
I urge you to listen to some of Tom’s songs. He is good. His heart goes out to the men and women and children suffering in Europe now.
Tom’s energy and work is just the person to motivate us to bring peace in our hearts for Ukraine.
I know this, first hand. Tom stepped up to the plate in Woodstock to help those in need more than once. Tom only knows to give for the benefit of others.
I wrote a memoir about hunger and Tom is in it twice, I think. He is going to be in my upcoming book “Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles”.
Do you have any of his CD’s? If so, play the music to receive peace.
This book sells on my website, When you purchase a copy, I’ll send it to the address you give. And, I’ll forward the proceeds to Tom as a small tribute to the goodness he brings to the planet.
Tom’s energy ripples out everywhere and this is something we can all use in these times.
My T-shirts are also available now. We need more of this energy and the proceeds can ripple out as well.
It’s possible that some of you will not understand this appeal. But, some of you will.
Keep on!
Thurman Greco
Please share this article with your preferred social media network. Please forward it to your friends and family.
Find out more about Thurman at
“Shadow of a Seagull” by Tom Pacheco