Hunger Is Not a Disease

Food Pantry Blog – 9 Things You Can Do To Help the Homeless In Your Area

“People are living in tents. They’re living in cars. They’re living in the woods.” – Ginger Segal
Be a friend to Mother Earth by donating instead of dumping food, growing fresh produce and donating it to your local food pantry, donating clean egg cartons and reusable shopping bags pantry volunteers to share with shoppers.

Donate food to a homeless friendly pantry in your area. A homeless friendly pantry doesn’t discriminate against homeless shoppers by demanding identification with addresses. After all, homeless people don’t have an address and cannot shop in those pantries requiring detailed identification.

Donate food to a pantry in your area that distributes food the homeless can eat. Homeless people carry their kitchens in their pockets so a lot of food which we take for granted and use is just not useful for the homeless person. Homeless people need peanut butter and crackers, cereal in small packages, fruits and vegetables to be eaten raw: carrot sticks, strawberries, blueberries, celery sticks, etc. Milk in small containers is useful.

Give a little throughout the year by regularly donating to the pantry in your area which is most homeless friendly.

Volunteer at a homeless friendly pantry or soup kitchen.

Communicate with Persons of Influence by contacting elected officials about homeless issues in your area and encouraging them to make ending homelessness a priority.

Get organized by cleaning out your food pantry and donating the healthy items to the food pantry. Donate clothing and bedding in good condition to places where you feel the homeless will have access to some of the items.

Understand that returning vets have special needs and they often begin their separation from the military homeless.

Know that people being released from prison often are homeless. They no longer have contact with their community. They have no job. They have no place to go.

Help set up a pocket pantry in a church, synagogue, or school.

Peace and food for all.
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Thurman Greco